It is the mission of the Diamondville Police Department to safeguard the lives and property of the people we serve, reduce crime and disorder and enhance public safety. Our officers will deliver the highest quality of service and pledge to do so with honor and integrity, while maintaining the highest ethical standards. We are committed to working in partnership with our diverse community to improve their quality of life.
The vision of the Diamondville Police Department is to deliver the best level of service to the community, to be a leader in policing, and to continuously strive to be one of the finest law enforcement agencies in Lincoln County. We will do this by living up to our core values of integrity in all we say and do, a strong commitment to public service, always demonstrating respect to our community members and each other, providing strong leadership in the face of chaos.
We are dedicated to delivering the highest quality of service to the community to safeguard lives and property, reduce crime and enhance public safety. We will work in partnership with the community to resolve community problems that effect quality of life and public safety. We value proactive problem solving and enforcement in order to reduce the incidences of crime and fear of crime. We will continuously work to fulfill our oaths as public servants by responding to the needs of those we serve.
A fundamental mandate of our profession is to conduct ourselves with the highest level of integrity that merits the respect of the people we serve. We will always act with honesty and transparency in everything we say and do. Our actions will always be consistent with our core values, our code of ethics and the law. We will always maintain our commitment by having a reverence of the law in both our personal and professional lives, regardless of the situation. We are proud of the traditions of our chosen profession and recognize that our actions must continually justify the trust bestowed to us by those we serve.
In case of emergency, dial 911. To reach the police department during business hours, call (307) 877-6251. To have an officer dispatched, 24 hours a day, call Lincoln County Sheriff's Office Communication Center at (307) 877-3971 (option 4); the LCSO Communication Center works in tandem with both the Diamondville and Kemmerer Municipal Police Departments.